The Kindness Kids Project




Happening NOW!!

What the world needs now, is KINDNESS, sweet kindness! Grammy Pags Stories for Kids is putting together a collection of the best examples of how kids show kindness to others. 1-maeli-kornbau-hermitage-age-5This will be a book for kids AND adults!  Children are leaders too.  By following the examples of our children, hopefully we can all help make our world a better place for everyone. Please encourage your kids, grandkids, and the kids in your life, to participate in the “World Kindness Kids Project!”


Hi Kids!  I hope you will consider participating in my “Kindness Kids” project.  I’m in the process of collecting drawings, photographs, poems, written ideas, or a combination, from kids, just like you, who are showing kindness to others in our world.  My plan is to collect all kinds of wonderful examplkindness-certificate-1es of kindness by kids and their friends. I will select 50, or more, of the best entries that will be included in a Kindness Kids Book.  ONLY kids, ages 4 – 17, may enter. Entries that are selected for inclusion in the book, will receive a special award!


Here are the entry RULES:

  1. You may use an 8 1/2” by 11” piece of computer paper.  Start your entry by writing, “I’m a Kindness Kid.  I show kindness when I  . . . .” (then finish the sentence and draw your picture.)
  2. If possible, I would love for your original drawings or pictures have really bright colors.
  3. If you are submitting an original poem, story, or a paragraph of your kindness thoughts and ideas, there is a 200 word limit. Space is limited.  If you are submitting artwork, make sure you add a sentence or paragraph to explain how you show kindness to others.
  4. AGE limit: This is a KIDS ONLY contest: Kids ages 4 – 17 may participate
  5. Please sign your entry with your first name and last initial only, your country, and your age.        (Ex. Amy P., Pennsylvania, USA, age 8).
  6. Entry deadline: June 30, 2017.
  7. PLEASE: Make sure to include your return address, an e-mail address, or some kind of   contact information so that if your entry is selected, I will know where to mail your Kindness Kids Award!  Thank you!
  8. ALL entries that are chosen for the “Kindness Kids Project Book” will receive a “Kindness Kids Award!”
  9. All classroom submissions will receive a “Kindness Class Award” for participation!


WHERE TO MAIL YOUR ENTRY:  Entries may be mailed to: Grammy Pags Stories – Kindness Kids Project, 347 Butterfly Lane, Hermitage, PA 16148.
I hope you will participate!  Thank you so much for being a Kindness Kid!   You are setting a wonderful example of kindness to others.  Watch for sample entries here and on my website.  Stay tuned!!
Love from, Rhonda Paglia of Grammy Pags Stories for Kids
P.S. – As entries come in, I will be posting them on several pages including this blog :  Kindness Kids Project – Entries
Post may also be seen on my website: and Grammy Pag Stories for Kids Facebook Fan page:
Finally, if you get a chance – hop over and check out “Grammy Pags Stories for Kids” on my Amazon Author page: