Halloweensie Contest for Children’s Writers: October 31, 2017

Children’s author, Susanna Leonard Hill, is hosting her 7th HALLOWEENSIE CONTEST. The rules: write a 100-word (or less) Halloween story for kids using the words candy cornmonster, and shadow (derivatives are permitted, and “candy corn” counts as one word).  I have entered other years.  It’s a challenging contest, but fun and mind bending.  Here is my 2017 entry (98 words!).  Enjoy!


By Rhonda Paglia ~ Grammy Pags Stories for Kids

“Shhstuck!  Help-p-p!  Shhstuck!”

Milton Monster thrashed around the floor of his bedroom yanking at his fangs.

“It’s schtuck!  Get it out!  Shhombody!  Pweeeeaaasee help!  Shhstuck!”

A dark shadow appeared in the doorway.

“That will teach you, you little green thief. Serves you right! Come here.”

Milton tottled over to his big brother.

“Open up!  Say ahhh!” ordered Felix.

Milton obeyed.  Felix yanked. Out popped the shhstuck candy corn and Milton’s tooth.

“Oooops,” laughed Felix.

“Wait! Feel-wix!  My toooof?” asked Milton.

“That’s what you get for stealing MY Halloween candy!”

“What?” bellowed Milton.  “Oh no!  Shhombody! Help-p-p! Unshhstuck!  Pweeeeaaasee!”

Visit: Grammy Pags Stories for Kids on Amazon