The Kindness Kids Project




Happening NOW!!

What the world needs now, is KINDNESS, sweet kindness! Grammy Pags Stories for Kids is putting together a collection of the best examples of how kids show kindness to others. 1-maeli-kornbau-hermitage-age-5This will be a book for kids AND adults!  Children are leaders too.  By following the examples of our children, hopefully we can all help make our world a better place for everyone. Please encourage your kids, grandkids, and the kids in your life, to participate in the “World Kindness Kids Project!”


Hi Kids!  I hope you will consider participating in my “Kindness Kids” project.  I’m in the process of collecting drawings, photographs, poems, written ideas, or a combination, from kids, just like you, who are showing kindness to others in our world.  My plan is to collect all kinds of wonderful examplkindness-certificate-1es of kindness by kids and their friends. I will select 50, or more, of the best entries that will be included in a Kindness Kids Book.  ONLY kids, ages 4 – 17, may enter. Entries that are selected for inclusion in the book, will receive a special award!


Here are the entry RULES:

  1. You may use an 8 1/2” by 11” piece of computer paper.  Start your entry by writing, “I’m a Kindness Kid.  I show kindness when I  . . . .” (then finish the sentence and draw your picture.)
  2. If possible, I would love for your original drawings or pictures have really bright colors.
  3. If you are submitting an original poem, story, or a paragraph of your kindness thoughts and ideas, there is a 200 word limit. Space is limited.  If you are submitting artwork, make sure you add a sentence or paragraph to explain how you show kindness to others.
  4. AGE limit: This is a KIDS ONLY contest: Kids ages 4 – 17 may participate
  5. Please sign your entry with your first name and last initial only, your country, and your age.        (Ex. Amy P., Pennsylvania, USA, age 8).
  6. Entry deadline: June 30, 2017.
  7. PLEASE: Make sure to include your return address, an e-mail address, or some kind of   contact information so that if your entry is selected, I will know where to mail your Kindness Kids Award!  Thank you!
  8. ALL entries that are chosen for the “Kindness Kids Project Book” will receive a “Kindness Kids Award!”
  9. All classroom submissions will receive a “Kindness Class Award” for participation!


WHERE TO MAIL YOUR ENTRY:  Entries may be mailed to: Grammy Pags Stories – Kindness Kids Project, 347 Butterfly Lane, Hermitage, PA 16148.
I hope you will participate!  Thank you so much for being a Kindness Kid!   You are setting a wonderful example of kindness to others.  Watch for sample entries here and on my website.  Stay tuned!!
Love from, Rhonda Paglia of Grammy Pags Stories for Kids
P.S. – As entries come in, I will be posting them on several pages including this blog :  Kindness Kids Project – Entries
Post may also be seen on my website: and Grammy Pag Stories for Kids Facebook Fan page:
Finally, if you get a chance – hop over and check out “Grammy Pags Stories for Kids” on my Amazon Author page:




November is Picture Book Month

I LOVE picture books for kids! November is National Picture Book Month, so this month, I’m proud to introduce you to a few of my “Indie Author” friends and their adorable picture books! Enjoy!


Picture books are so much fun to read and share with kids.  As an adult, I LOVE them!!  I’m a HUGE  fan of reading stories to kids, especially picture books!!  As an “Indie Author,” AND a creator of picture books, I highly respect the talents and efforts of other picture book authors. This month I reached out to several of my “Indie Author” friends and asked them to share a favorite picture book, one that they have personally authored.  


So here they are!  I’m delighted to introduce you to my friends and fellow authors:  Willy Robbins, Aviva Gittle, Rosie Russell, and Sandra Bennett. 

in-my-closetIN MY CLOSET 

Written by Willy Robbins

Illustrated by Ruth Hunter

Note from Grammy Pags:  In My Closet, by Willy Robbins, is a charming picture book and a laugh out loud bedtime story that kids – and adults –  will relate too! Ernie can’t sleep because, “Mommmm, there’s a troll in my closet!!” he cries – and away we go! The illustrations are great fun! Kids are going to LOVE this story!!

Synopsis: Ernie loves to play in his room, but when night falls, sleeping in his room is a different story.  Sometimes, at bedtime, his imagination comes out to play.  When Erine imagines there’s a troll in his closet, he decides to look for himself.  Will he come face to face with his imagination? Or, will Ernie learn there is nothing scary about his closet?

Back story: Author Willy Robbins says, “This story came to me about a year before I wrote it.  A friend of mine told me about a little person who thought there was a troll in his closet.  He was really scared and couldn’t sleep.”  Willy said, “I formulated this story to help this little one overcome their fears of monsters and trolls in their closets at bedtime.”

In My Closet – click here to purchase on Amazon


kitten-snakeKITTEN & SNAKE 

Written by Aviva Gittle

Illustrated by Tekla Huszar

Note from Grammy Pags:  “Kitten & Snake” is a delightful tale of innocence and an unusual friendship. Although I think snakes are okay and very useful, I’m really not a huge fan.  However, I love this charming snake and kitten story!  Author Aviva Gittle gives parents AND teachers a great tool to talk to kids about friendship and the importance of compromise. Beautifully illustrated by Tekla Huszar.

Synopsis: Kitten wants to be friends with snake, but snake looks and sounds so tough.  Discover how these two very different creatures find a way to play together.  This is Aviva Gittle’s third book in the “Kitten and Friends” series.

Back story from Author Aviva Gittle: “Kitten & Snake” is my favorite of the seven “Kitten and Friends” stories. Some people don’t like snakes, so they hesitate to read the book.  But this story is a sweet, and often humorous tale, of how two creatures, through patience and kindness, become unlikely friends.  It’s also a lot of fun to read! I love doing Snake’s voice.  I narrated the story – here’s the link:

Click here to purchase “Kitten & Snake” on Amazon


Written and illustrated by Rosie Russell

beasley-friendsNote from Grammy Pags:  Author / Illustrator Rosie Russell has a soft, down home writing style.  Kids will enjoy the calm, gentle Beasley who is joined by the super nervous Lola Duck.  The two set off to figure out what “the racket” is in Farmer Bill’s barn. I think you will hear lots of ooo’s and ahh’s from the kids by the time you get to the end of this sweet tale.

Synopsis:  Beasley loves living in the country!  He spends his days chasing butterflies, digging for treasures, and playing hide and seek with his bunny friend.  Just as he settles in for his afternoon nap, his friend, Lola Duck, comes squawking down the road.  She says there’s a terrible racket doing on over at Farmer Bill’s barn!  Beasley and Lola Duck gather their friends and off they go to solve the problem.  What will they find when they get to Farmer Bill’s barn?  Come along and follow their adventurous day.  This tale will leave readers with laughs and giggles, and warm the hearts of the young and old.

Back story from Author / Illustrator Rosie Russell: I wrote “Beasley and Friends to the Rescue” because my first story, “Beasley’s Journey” was a hit!  I liked the personality that I created for Beasley.  He’s kind, helpful, and tries to look over the faults of others, even when it’s not easy.  (A little something our world needs more of.)  Lola Duck was a super fun character to create!  There is always that one person that won’t see the world on a positive note and will always find fault somewhere.  Beasley, so kind and patient, calms her down, and helps her see the bright side of each situation.

Click here to purchase “Beasley and Friends to the Rescue” from Amazon

frazzled-freyaFRAZZLED FREYA 

Written by Sandra Bennett

Illustrated by Dianna Budd

Note from Grammy Pags:  I loved learning about the Australian Outback and it’s desert creatures, including the frill-necked lizard, Freya. Illustrator, Dianna Budd, gives the reader a sense of the intense desert heat from the color pallete she selected for this story.

Synopsis:  Freya is a timid “frill-neck” lizard.  She is so frazzled with fear that she doesn’ know whether to run and hide, or face her fears, join her friends, and have fun.  The Australian Outback is a harsh, dry place, and not the ideal environment for a game or race.  Freya is too frightened to go out and play with her friends, so she hides in the shadows and watches all day.  Poor Frazzled Freya.  Can she face what frightens her, or will she forever hide, and say no?

Back story from Author Sandra Bennett: “I originally wrote Freya as prose, but felt it was too long for a picture book.  On re-editing, Freya’s voice changed and she became a rhyming picture book.  I wanted to write another engaging Australian story that would not only showcase some of our different creatures (in Australia), but would also serve as a conversation starter, to help children with their emotions.  Looking at the way lizards, like Freya, run away into the shade and hide when they see someone coming towards them, made Freya an obvious choice to help children face their fears.   At the end of the book are a few fun facts about reptiles that represent each of the characters, including a Lace Goanna, Velvet Gecko, Northern Brown Snake, and a Spinifex Hopping Mouse. This story is suitable for ages 3 – 8 and also works well as a read aloud book for the classroom and at home.

Click here to purchase “Frazzled Freya” on Amazon

One more note from Grammy Pags:  Finally, I have to share a few picture books that I have personally authored.  I’ve had so much fun working on these little two garden gnome adventures with the talented illustrator, Ratna Kusuma Halim of Indonesia.




o-adapted-4-23-2016Written by Rhonda Paglia

Illustrated by Ratna Kusuma Halim

In each of these read aloud or read alone gnomes books, the little folks have HUGE problems to solve.

Book #1:  Three Little Gnomes and a Boy Named Orion:   The gnomes find themselves in a “no-name” dilemma.  What will they do?  Who will help them?  cover-3-png

In Book #2;  Three Little Gnomes and the One-Bite Mystery:  Some rascally culprit has ruined the crops for the three little gnomes’ “Droppin’ Time Stew!”  They wait ALL year for this special stew!  Is it ruined?  Well, there’s a mystery to be solved!!

The YouTube trailer for:  Three Little Gnomes and the One-Bite Mystery Trailer

And on YouTube: Nibbles McGibbles Marching Song, from “The One-Bite Mystery”

Click here to purchase “Three Little Gnomes and a Boy Named Orion”

Click here to purchase “Three Little Gnomes and the One-Bite Mystery”

I hope you enjoyed meeting some very talented authors and learning about their wonderful picture books!  

Christmas will be here soon, so . . .  Shop Local / Shop Indie!


Happy Children’s Picture Book Month!  


Love from, Rhonda Paglia
Grammy Pags Stories for Kids
Grammy Pags Stories for Kids on Amazon